
Anyone play a violin???

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i am working on practicing all state music and i need any helpful hints on how to learn this music.. some of it is very fast and some involves a lot of shifting.. i need some advice on any techniques that i could use for practicing to help me learn the music faster..




  1. When I was stuck trying to read music, it used to help to find a copy of the music and listen to the difficult parts.  Also, practicing the parts with the metronome going slower than usual a few dozen times will get the movements into your finger muscles' memory.  Then, slowly bring the metronome up to your normal speed while continuing to practice the part a few dozen times at each increase in speed.

  2. When I am learning a new piece, I play (or try to play) the whole thing, slowly. Then I mark the places that I had the most difficulty with. I play those problem spots FBB (Finger Before the Bow) again and again until it sounds good. It's time consuming, but it pays off. Then, I play through the whole thing again, mark the places that I had difficulty, the play through the whole thing. Lather and repeat as needed =]

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