I am 17, and have not masturbated for a while because I have OCD. My OCD rules my life. I am being treated, I am on medication that is working and am going to see a psychcirtrist soon. But anything to do with my p***s, come, masturbating, anything sexual I have to ignore. When I m********e, I have t clean up, get into the shower and was my hands until I feel they are clean. It usually takes like 2 cakes of soap and like 2 hours to fully clean myself to the point I feel clean. What should I do, it is driving me insane. I want to just be like normal teenage guys and m********e, wash my hands and feel clean? Does anyone else feel this way? Why is it that I think it is so dirty? I am not RELIGOUS and I have never really been told it is bad. Please help me?