
Anyone pls tell me how 2 get admission in nasa?

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I live in alwar rajasthan. I am in class 10, I want to know the full procedure of admission in NASA. Its my dream to be in nasa so pls send me what you think is its procedure.




  1. I dont think there is any reservation for Indians there

  2. I think their procedures will change by the time you reach to the level meeting the entry requirements of NASA, therefore all you have to do for now is to study hard and build on your dream to join NASA.

    Remember: Where there's a will there's a way!!

    <Note: at a later stage you can do more research on "Joining Nasa">


  3. NASA is much like any other large company - we hire lots of different kinds of people.  The procedure is: get an education and apply.  The NASA website at has a "Careers" section that will tell you about what jobs are available now.  However, you must get finished with University first.

    Also - there are many firms that provide contract support to NASA.  You don't have to work directly for NASA to be part of the space program.

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