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im going to be a freshman

why are so many kids in my grade already obsessed with s*x

its weird and makes other people uncomfortable i mean i wouldnt mind having a strong relationship with a guy and kissing or anything but i mean come onnn

why are guys my age so perverted




  1. harmones

  2. its just because theyre immature and there hormones r going crazy just ignore them and their comments theyre stupid anyways lol

  3. Nature designed humans to start thinking about s*x (esp males) when they go through puberty. The boys aren't being 'perverts' for thinking about it, but sometimes their words and behavior is inappropriate (esp for their age).

    No one should have s*x until at least age 18 (unless they are quite wealthy as minors...themselves, not their parents) because the possible consequences of s*x (pregnancy and STDs primarily) are very expensive to pay for medically, and nobody but the people who have s*x (or their own insurance) should have to pay for that.

    Minors who have s*x and cannot pay for the consequences are irresponsible, foolish, and proving by their actions they aren't mature enough for that behavior.  

  4. Hormones r flying rampant.  Enough said.  Your obligation is to hold on strong, and not give in just because "sally" or "joe" says that having s*x is the thing 2 do.  Hang in their and yes, kissing is ok, but it can lead farther along...  Think about it...

  5. They think it is a sign of growth to talk about things like that. In all honesty they're either overcompensating for insecurity or they're just plain perverts.

    Socially, it's easy being an open-mouthed pervert for guys. That's the honest truth. Just ignore them or s***w with them, whatever you like.

  6. Guys your age are immature.  They do not develop at the same rate as girls on an emotional level.  

    They tend to talk toughest and loudest on the things that frighten them most.  They also make jokes about stuff that frightens them.  Yes, they're intrigued, but most are virgins and scared.

  7. I see it myself and I'm only in middle school but its not guys like i would never think of wanting to have se at my age and kids your age are obsessed because one they think it will get them more popular and two for pleasure kids these days do what feels good and don't think about what their doing so if you don't want to be like that get away from those ppl and get a good bf that doesnt wabt to do that

  8. kids are all about s*x during high school.. thats when all the hormones get flowing..

  9. Well maybe they are just too obsessed with s*x

    I read an articcle once that kids are maturing faster due to pornographic materials

    So maybe they did too and they became a s*x addict

    If it's been bothering u too much try to see ur counselor

    Or a trusted friend maybe that could burden ur ease

    But if these guys are coming into u and u are not comfortable with it

    Then walk away cause maybe u could become a victim of rape

  10. i dont know.

    it's kinda sad.

    kids these days are way too young to be even thinking about s*x.

    i mean 14 and not a virgin! that is crazy talk!

    please save it for when you are older, wiser, and really in love. that is the best advice anyone can give you or anyone in high school!

  11. usmcbones1808 is totally wrong!!!! us guys CAN be perverted

    jerks but we can also be really nice and not pervy :3 so u just

    might have to continue searching until you find that mr right as they

    say :3

  12. Wow... You sound very special... :)

    In short... Please stay the way you are and do not allow yourself to be pressured.  Yes, most young people are obsessed with s*x, but the smart ones like yourself sees right thru it...

    Good Luck and Please do not change... Eventually a guy will realize the obvious.

  13. hey i am going to be a freshman! anyway, a lot of guys are like that, but not all. if you have a boyfriend or something that is trying to get you to do something that you don't want to, tell him to back off or get lost. good luck with highschool

  14. There are plenty of not perverted guys out there, they aren't that hard to find... oh, and just so you know, there are lots of perverted girls, too. Cheers!

  15. Sadly Kenzi because they've been raised that way.

    Most of the people of our generation are taught to epitomize s*x. s*x is to be constant, on demand, self-actualizing, and without consequence.

    I don't know or understand why anyone thought this would be productive. It has brought us record levels of teen pregnancy, killing babies, the destruction of the nuclear family, a rise of STD's, and the heartbreak of millions of men and women.

    All this for 10 seconds of o****m.

    I'd stick close to moral institutions if I were you. s*x is a beautiful thing the way a fast car is beautiful. It's fun, but it can be very dangerous if you're not careful.

    Also expect to receive a little astonishment when you are expected to act like a s**t and refuse.

    The good news is, there are many men and women who harken back to a time before this so called "sexual revolution" to the values of their fore bearers. These are the people who wait, develop meaningful relationships, commit, marry, and then enjoy a lifetime of passionate, reaffirming sexual activity.

    You sound like one of these. Good for you girl!

    Good Luck!

  16. Don't be in a hurry you are the smart one enjoy your freshman time with out that worry

  17. Hormones, and the false reality that "everyone does it". Not everyone does it.

  18. well how old are you? all guys are not jerks or perverted. there are some nice guys, like me, who always get overlooked in life.  

  19. its there age guys  that age have one  thing on there mind

  20. they wanna feel older, look cooler.

    in reality, just makes them look jerks, esp. if they hit it &quit it.

    & plus, s*x sells

  21. It has to do with hormones. And you're body developing. It's getting you ready to "mate"

  22. perverted implies abnormal or unacceptable practices, when you go through puberty and from then on, wanting to have s*x is pretty normal, not perverted. when you include the peer pressure and and the fact that having s*x with as many women as possible is glorified in our society it's any wonder guys want to get in your pants. if it makes you uncomfortable, that is something you have to work through, either assert yourself, find new friends or leave the conversation. I'm in australia, so i don't know how old a freshman is. but i can bet it's going to get a lot worse for you if you don't confront it. and remember, guys are usually more talk than action.

  23. hey!!!ime 14 and am going to be a freshman but i do agree even though ime a dude i have to agree guys my aje are super perverted

  24. thats all girls n guys think about this will happen all your years in high school been there u just have to put up with it :(

  25. its not just guys,

    its girls too.

    its called hormones.

    i think its disgusting,

    too many 13 yr old s***s out there

  26. hormones.

    and lack of experience.

    They will grow up (eventually) and find out what they really need but for the time being you keep your head on your shoulders and dont fall for these little boys! lol

  27. Hormones, girl!

    Count yourself lucky that your mind isn't already occluded by the thoughts.

    Maybe you can spend that free time studying and making good grades to make something awesome of yourself. Rather than having s*x, making out, making Bs, winding up pregnant and crying a lot.

  28. Their hormones have began flowing earlier? Take your time & study to make yourself a great future. Now that would be sweet & s**y. A?

  29. okay by obsessed, do you mean like they actually wanna do it? because they may be interested in it or somehting but you will be having health classes most likely and they may show you video tapes on it

    but bing obsessed with it, maybe they feel like they are fuinally being exposed to the teenage hood and feel like they can do it just because they are in  hisghscool

  30. I'm going to be a freshman too and so many guys i know are perverted i have finally decided they are pervs because they are still so immature and the girls having s*x have low self esteem and are insecure

  31. LOL. Well, I guess it's because of puberty and their hormones.

    They're just growing up and it's actually part of their puberty and growth. If your uncomfortable with one of them and they're being rude, just ignore them.  
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