
Anyone recently been to America (travelling from the UK)?

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I'm going for a few weeks to the US - I have a valid British passport and return ticket. I don't think I need a visa or anything else but I can't be sure. Do I need anything else?




  1. You'll be fine with just a passport and a return ticket as long as you're not going there for more than 3 months and you don't intend on working whilst you're there.

    The only other thing you'll have to do is fill in a visa waiver form. It's a little green form which you'll be given when you check in this end and then fill in when you're on the plane.  It essentially just confirms that you can participate in the visa waiver scheme, i.e. you don't need a visa to enter the US because of the length and purpose of your visit.  My only tip would be to make sure that you fill it in very carefully - if there are any errors on it the immigration officer in the US will make you fill it in again and go to the back of the line, which, seeing as you can easily wait over an hour in US immigration, should be avoided at all costs!!

  2. you're OK for a visa, no problems ... just make sure your passport is valid for long enough (think it has to have at least six months validity left on it)

    and make sure you have the details of where you're staying, at least for the first night, to write down on their immigration forms

  3. no if you have a valid british passport you will automatically get a 3 month travelling visa which means you are valid to stay there and travel for 3 months.

    Other than your passport you just need yourself and you will have a blast!

  4. im going on the 5th! yay :D

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