
Anyone recognise these symptoms??

by  |  earlier

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well, i think there is something wrong with me, i'm just not sure what.

so i slept for 12 hours last night. and, after doing nothing so far today, i'm still sooo tired. i exorcised last night, like i have done every night for the last few months, i warmed up and stretched thoroughly. and now the muscles in my arm and stomach are quite sore, like i pulled loads of muscles.(never happens to me). i have also had a bad headache since yesterday morning, it doesn't seem to be easing off, and now it gets worse when i look outside or into bright light.

i'm also randomly getting too hot(so i take off my jumper or open a window) then i'm fine for a while, then i'm freezing cold all of a sudden.(so i put more clothes on) then after a while i'm too hot again.


anyone recognize any of these symptom?

i don't really feel sick. i just feel strange.




  1. I cannot diagnose you, not could a Dr. without doing some tests and some blood work, BUT, I would go in and tell him what is going on, and in the tests he more than likely will want to do, I would insist he check your blood work for an abnormal thyroid. Good Luck.

  2. You should check your symptoms on, it's accurate, but to me it sounds like you could either be anemic or just have a summer virus. Go to your doctor if you start getting nauseous.

  3. It sounds like you're just tired and stressed out.  You may have overdone it a bit on the workout too, despite the stretching and all.

    If it gets to the point where you feel sick or if it lasts for more than a few days you may want to re-examine the issue.

  4. You could be starting to come down with a bug and your body wants sleep so that it can fight it off.

    I don't think you have any specific sounds like you're getting sick, or coming down with a bug of some sort.

    It's best to listen to your body, if you're exhausted, then you should get some sleep.

    Your headache sounds like it could me a minor migraine, have you ever had migraines before?

    Maybe you should put on shorts and a t-shirt and climb under your covers and try to get some sleep. Also try to make your room as dark as possible to help with your headache.

    I'd also suggest taking some tylenol, advil, etc... to help your headache go away.

    And drink lot's of fluids, just to be safe.

    Feel Better Soon.  :)

  5. a few questions.  do you have...

    swollen glands?


    abnormal eating habits?

    could be thyroid condition or hormonal

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