
Anyone recommend a book about weddings for a 3 yo?

by Guest63099  |  earlier

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My 3 yo is going to be a flower girl at a wedding in October. She's beside herself with excitement so I have been looking for books suitable for toddlers about weddings which I can use to help explain what will happen. Does anyone have any recommendations?




  1. If she likes Arthur and DW, then there is an adorable book where the ring is lost at the wedding and DW finds it.

    I really like this book, and read it to my students (ages 4-6) before my own wedding. If she likes reading, it is a great choice.

  2. "Emily is a Flower Girl" is suited to younger kids.. Emily is a bunny in her Aunt's wedding.

  3. Hmm...never seen one...why don't you start a scrapbook with her instead? Cut out wedding related pictures and put them in sections..."church" "clothes" and "food" would probably be even better as 3 year olds learn best through hands on experience....take pics of her having her fitting for her dress...and after its all over you can stick mementoes like the invitation and service photos. It will be a nice souvenier in years to come.

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