
Anyone recommend some good chinese cooking books pls?

by Guest32052  |  earlier

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Anyone recommend some good chinese cooking books pls?




  1. go on google and search for chinese cooking recipies and u should find great food to cook...=]

  2. If youm live in Australia, Womens Weekly Chinese cook book is great for beginners and intermediate cooks

  3. Martin Yan cookbooks

    Ming Tsai cookbooks

    Joyce Chen cookbooks

  4. The Complete Asian Cookbook by

    Charmain Solomon.

    It is my bible, it features about 14 countries, including Chinese, Thai, Japanese etc.

    It is beautifully illustrated, and contains everything including pantry requirements per country.

    Please check it out and I promise you won't be disappointed.

    Your library may be able to find it for you.

    Good luck and kia ora from NZ.

  5. Anything by Ken Hom.

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