
Anyone remember how to play PICK-UP STICKS?

by  |  earlier

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Hey Folks-I am going to teach my grandbabies some of the interaction games from some time ago- PICK-UP STICKS -is this game I'd like the rules to-THANX




  1. You hold the pick up sticks (all except the black or banded one) vertically in your fist a little above the ground and open your fingers so they all fall.  First player can use the black stick to help pick up a fallen stick.  If you pick up a stick without disturbing any others, you get to keep it.  Pick up another and another until you can't get one without moving another.  Then it's the next player's turn.  Keep playing until all sticks are picked up.  Player with the most sticks at the end wins.  Variation for beginners:  take turns regardless of success at getting a stick.

  2. i dont remember how to play it but i loved it

  3. Yes u have a number of sticks laying on the groud.2. Throw some jacks up andsee how miny sticks u can get before the jacks hit the ground. 3. tally up the score , highest score wins


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