
Anyone remember this talk show host from the 90's?

by Guest66914  |  earlier

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There was a talk show in the 90's that had an episode where they were doing the "secret crush" thing. A man came on and found out that his secret crush was another man. He did not find it funny at all, he later killed the man that had the secret crush.

Does anyone remember what the name of the talk show host was?




  1. Jenny Jones

  2. Jenny Jones

  3. It was Jenny Jones, I remember that.  That guy he killed the man is an idiot.  He should have politely turned down the offer and went on with his life.  

  4. Jenny Jones.  There was a big scandal about it.

  5. it was the  jenny jones show!

  6. Everyone else is right, it was Jenny Jones.  The show got canceled after that scandal that you mentioned and Jenny hasn't found a gig since.  

    I can't believe anyone would kill someone over having a crush on them, even if I find a person to be heinous or completely unappealing I still think it is a little sweet that they'd have a crush on me.

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