
Anyone searching within Alberta.?

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I am located in Edmonton and am more than willing to assist with any leg work searchers may need out of the city or the province. Just thought I would put it out there. Also interesting in talking with people who have placed, adopted or been adopted in Alberta. Anyone out there?




  1. Looks like you're on your own.

  2. Hi Andraya,

    I think that's wonderful that you are willing to assist a fellow adoptee with their search!  You have the experience & a kind heart.

    I've heard disturbing accounts of Canadian adoption procedures that mostly occurred in the 60's and earlier.  There were cases of mothers who were drugged during delivery & later told their babies died during childbirth.  Then the live baby was given to another couple to adopt and they put their names on the birth certificate and never told the baby he/she was adopted.

    I forget how that outrageous scam was uncovered.  It made it twice as hard since both parties didn't know to look for the other.

    Just another example of abuse in adoption practices.  I know there are plenty of bad examples in the U.S. as well.

    Thanks again for helping others, Andraya.

    julie j

    reunited adoptee

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