
Anyone seen the movie "The Patriot" that can answer these questions?

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Scene Four: Accuracy and Precision

1. How are the tactics of the militia different from the Colonial Regulars?

2. Are these tactics effective?

3. How has General Cornwallis’s disposition changed?

4. How do they treat prisoners of war?




  1. 1) The Colonial Army trained and drilled at Valley Forge, to stand their ground and fire volley after volley at the enemy; militia sometimes fled before firing even one volley--it was amazing to get them to stand for three--and had a supreme fear of the Redcoats' bayonets.

    2) When they used the "shoot-and-run" or "guerrilla" tactics they were effective in an ambush.  But, they seldom remained in one place lng enough for great effect.

    3) Cornwallis's disposition never really changed.  He thought of the colonists as "rabble in arms", and didn't even surrender but had his subordinate do it for him.

    4) Many "prisoners" of war were jailed on "prison ships" thta were dens of suffering and disease.  Those they felt could make valuable trades were treated well, but only those.  Remember, Colonist Rebels were traitors.

    Hope this helps.  

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