
Anyone seen these figures?

by Guest59531  |  earlier

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Landwyd is jou kans die grootste om gekaap te word as jy vroegoggend in die suide van Johannesburg ry.

Die Booysens-polisiekantoor in Johannesburg is bo-aan die lys van die top 20 gebiede met die hoogste motorkapingsyfers. Meer as 75% kapings vind hoofsaaklik in Gauteng (50%+) en KwaZulu-Natal (25%+) plaas.

Volgens die jongste misdaadsyfers vind 43,7% motorkapings saans tussen 18:00 en 21:00 plaas. Die minste kapings is in die vroeë oggendure tussen middernag en 05:00.

Die meeste slagoffers word by die ingang of oprit van hul wonings gekaap.

Die 12 ander polisiekantore in Gauteng met die hoogste kapingsyfers is Sandton, Mondeor, Midrand, Bramley, Moroka, Johannesburg-sentraal, Cleveland, Boksburg, Brackendowns, Jeppe, Springs en Edenvale.

In KwaZulu-Natal word motors veral in Pinetown, Umlazi, Phoenix, Chatsworth, Durban-sentraal, Isipingo en Newlands-Oos gekaap.




  1. Never seen this one before.........

  2. I haven't seen these. I would like to know the numbers for the Eastern Cape, especially East London.

    Add: I also don't believe that contact crime have decreased. It is more a matter of cases not being reported anymore. What's the use if they don't have the manpower to investigate and besides that, forensic labs are overflowing with cases?

  3. And then kfk wants to tell us crime is decreasing ... Haaaaaaa - Decreasing my backside.

  4. What's surprising?

  5. Of course any decrease is lekker. So if there was no change wat would you be whinging about zim girl. First sort out your zim problem before you think of SA.

  6. The highest unreported, uninvestigated crime happens in the South African parliament.

  7. Yes I have ! Here is more staggering statistics from Die Beeld this morning :

    Johannesburg - Every day in the past year, 40 families have been attacked by robbers in their homes.

    And the three hours between midnight and 03:00 is the time that robbers prefer to strike.

    About 32% of all robberies countrywide occur after midnight.

    According to a report by the South African Police Services (SAPS), homeowners should be on the alert also for robbers between 21:00 and 23:59 because 23% of robberies occurred during this time.

    The least number of house robberies take place between 03:00 and 06:00.

    The number of house robberies countrywide has risen by 13.5% and the sharpest increases occurred in KwaZulu-Natal, the Free State, Mpumalanga and the Eastern Cape.

    Gauteng was the only province which showed a decrease, although the highest number of house robberies was reported in the province

  8. It's no surprise to me:(

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