
Anyone seen these "power balance cards/ stickers" where they help u balance and tune your bodies electrofield?

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Anyone seen these "power balance cards/ stickers" where they help u balance and tune your bodies electrofield?




  1. yeah and it looks great but i think it is a scam. the best way to get into shape is do it the natural way

  2. Yes, they're a joke. If anything sounds too good to be true, it probably is. The little symbol hologram is nothing better than a sticker you can find in a kid's vending machine.

    It's just like any of the pads that supposedly remove toxins from the bottoms of your feet. Our body removes toxins from sweat, breathing, urine, etc.  There isn't much coming out of our feet.

    The power balance cards do nothing. They're just "mumbo-jumbo" that takes advantage of people and their desperate need for instant fixes.

    Just take care of your body by eating right, exercising every day, and if you want to balance your body, take yoga or something that actually takes effort.

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