
Anyone sold a home in the USA to someone from England?

by  |  earlier

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OK a strange question, but we have a home for sale and someone who inquired from England about how to go about possibly buying it. This is A FSBO and he is a private owner. Anyone have any experience or suggestion on where I can read more about the process?

BTW, don't bother preaching about us not selling with a realtor; we simply have no room for commissions, not even $1000. above our asking price.

Just useful help please!




  1. It would be handled the same way as any other cash purchase.

    First thing, contact your escrow or title company - they can handle this without a realtor involved. They will probably ask you to provide a purchase contract signed by you and the other party before they will begin the process. Ask for an appointment so that you can go over the details of the escrow process with them.

    Whatever you do, do not attempt this without the help of a trained professional.  

  2. If he doesn't have a social security number , he will have to pay cash.  He can't get a mortgage.  I had 3 buyers who had a SSI card.  Unfortunately, they had purchased them downtown Phoenix.  Their loans were rejected. /

  3. Perhaps go to you state land titles office and ask them about transfer and registering with people from out of the country.  And whether you use a realtor or not your going to need a lawyer.

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