
Anyone speak German? I need help translating this.?

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Die Europaische Union hat jetzt 25 Mitgliedstaaten und eine Bevolkerung von mehr als 450 Million Menschen. Das sind mehr Menschen als in den USA, in Kanada und Mexiko zusammen. Deutschland liegt im Zentrum von Europa. Die Tur ist offen zu den Kulturen im Norden, Suden, Osten und Western. Sie ist auch offen zu den tranditionellen Handelspartnern in Westeuropa undzu den Wachstumsmarketen in Mittleeuropa und Osteuropa. Kapital und Service bewegen sich frei in der EU. Das bringt Chancen fut die Wirtschaft, Internationalitat und Vielfalt.

I know I'm missing some umlauts but I don't have a German keyboard.




  1. The Europaische union has now 25 members states and a Bevolkerung of more than a 450 million person.  Those are more persons than in the USA, in Canada and Mexico together.  Germany lies in the center of Europe.  The Tur is open to the cultures in the north, Suden, East and Western.  It is also open to the tranditionellen trade partners in Western Europe and the Wachstumsmarketen in Mittleeuropa and Eastern Europe.  Capital and service move freely in the EU.  That brings chances fut the economy, Internationalitat and variety.  I know I' m missing some umlaut but I served' t have a German keyboard.

  2. The European Union presently consist of 25 member states and a population of more than 450 million.  This is more than the populations of the US, Canada and Mexico combined.  Germany is located in the center of Europe.  The door is open to the southern, eastern and western cultures.  It is also open to the traditional trade partners in Western Europe and the emerging markets in Central and Eastern Europe.  Within the European Union investment capital and services are moving freely. This results in opportunities for economy, internationality and diversity.

    Note:  German is not well-suited for pasting into an automatic translating site such as Babelfish, due to the verb location.

  3. Here we go:

    Now, the European Union has got some 25 member states (countries) and a population of over 450 million people. That is more than the populations of Canada, Mexico and the United States combined. Germany's placed in the center of Europe. The door is open to all the cultures in the north, south, east and west. Also, it is open to the traditional trading partners in western Europe and the growth markets in middle and eastern Europe. Capital and service are moving freely in the European Union. This brings chances (opportunities) to the economy and the internationality and diversity.

    Sorry about any spelling mistakes :-)


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