
Anyone starting Art college ...will I be the odd one out ?

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I'm gonna be starting a foundation course at chelsea college of art.

I dont know if I will meet people like minded....I want to be able to make good friends.what if I cant bond with people ? I feel as if I am gonna be th odd one out.

at the portfolio drop off I only saw people that i wouldnt normally hang around.not to be rude or prejudgemental but they looked like emos and scene people...and generally people who try to expand their earholes. I dunno.....if I will have anything in common.




  1. nah not everyone is like that :)

    im a pretty normal guy and im startin Art college this sept. :)

    There are ALOT of them tho, not to mention other types of people.. but thats a good thing, its awesome gettin to know different people :)

  2. Listen, don't let the appearances of these people fool you. Most of the time they are merely experimenting with their own look, it's what many artistically-minded people do.

    What often happens is that they so engrossed in their art course that they stop messing around with the appearance so much, and the real person comes out. You are likely to have more in common than you think.

    I'm saying this after my own stint in art college as a mature student. And underneath all of the posing and posturing, everyone else is worried sick about whether or not they'll fit in. So don't worry about it ....

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