
Anyone still think putting a bunch more oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico is a great idea?

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They've already raised the prices for gasoline "just in case" we have a hurricane.




  1. Sure, why not.  They did quite well through Katrina and will probably be fine after this storm.  Ain't technology wonderful..

  2. Perhaps after the hurricane passes through it'll be entertained as a good idea again.  

  3. Well...anyone who thinks that the United Stated not doing so is a good idea is clearly a moronic buffoon.

    China, Vietnam, Cuba, Russia, and other nations are drilling off the United States coast including the gulf of Mexico as fast as possible.  These nations don't care about what incorrect propaganda the communist environazis are spewing.  The drilling WILL be done there, PERIOD.  

    The question is only if the United States will drill for and utilize the oil, and just let other nations drill for it, triple the price, then sell it to the United States.

  4. What good ideas do you have regarding the oil crisis? I don't see any liberals breaking their necks making ground-breaking discoveries in alternative fuels. I still don't see a Hydrogen car cheaper than $2 Million. Either way you cut it, drilling is the most progressive thing we can do right now. We tried ten years ago and the same liberals who are blocking it now, blocked it then. We would have been better off now to have not listened to them and we will be better off in ten years to not listen to them now.

  5. That's where the oil is.  I guess that would be a good place to put them.

  6. h**l yeah!  There's plenty of oil out there in the Gulf.  It's just that the dufusses on the left don't want to get it because they want oil to be as high as it can possibly go so that that average people will be so frustrated they will then vote in their boy...the Arrogant One.  He can "fix" everything for us.  He will part the seas and heavens with His brilliance.  He will then make everything all better, for everyone!!  

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