
Anyone surprised with McCain's decision?

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if i am correct, he does have a woman running with him for vice president right? I really didnt see that coming.




  1. I was wanting him to choose Mitt Romney

  2. I am completely shocked! But boy, am I proud! He nipped this one right in the butt, and I do think he will succeed come election day!

  3. Very. He undercut his main argument against Obama. Now he is claiming that someone who has less experience than Obama is ready to be president if he dies in office.  

  4. nope... that's vintage McCain

  5. I didn't see it coming, but after reading about her today and her accomplishments, I think Palin is a great choice for VP

  6. Nobody else wanted it and she was the only one with her hand up.

  7. I was pleasantly suprised. She's pro life, young, and does actually have fairly good experience politically (moreso than Obama and holds a higher office), but not so much that she's a career politician like, eh hem, Biden... furthermore, she's a woman and that is exciting to see on a Republican candidates ticket. :)

  8. man i said for at least three weeks i hoped he would pick a is time for it.

  9. I really didn't see it coming - I figured Romney or Giuliani were in the front running - and I've been following this campaign pretty closely.

    It should be very interesting to see how this plays out in the next few weeks.

  10. I was pleasantly surprised.  I like his choice, she is going to be great for the party.  I am shocked by the left and their attacks on her, but more so by the ones saying that she was only chosen because Hillary wasn't.  What a slap in the face of all woman.

  11. It was brilliant!  By the way, wasn't there some speech last night?  I'm not sure because I'll I hear about is McCain's VP.

  12. Not surprised.  Just wish her and McCain would switch places. I'd like her better as pres.

  13. Pleasant surprise!   Palin has more experience than Obama!

  14. Not one bit.... I just forgot about Palin... I knew it would be an oil woman... but the women who support big oil (aside from Palin) are all much older... like Elizabeth Dole... so I can see why he picked her.

  15. I'm surprised that he would opt to give up the election so soon - let's face it, his choice of VP basically ensured a victory for the democrats!  Especially when Obama gives Hillary a cabinet position!

  16. Yes.

  17. Well I predicted he would pick a woman (Hutchinson), just not that one.

    Yes I was surprised.


  19. Yes I'm surprised because I thought he wanted to win. Instead he picks someone who is currently under investigation for ethics violations and who not too long ago admitted she had no idea what a Vice President does.  

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