
Anyone take just carboplatin or just cistaplatin w/o taking Placitaxol? as chemo?

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for stage 1C ovarian cancer...




  1. Yes, you can have single-agent treatment with just one of the platin drugs. More commonly patients take Taxol or even other regimens that use navelbine or ifosphamide. If you have already had surgery to remove the tumor and do not have mets at this time, single-agent treatment may suffice. Sometimes side-effects can decrease with one chemo drug, if you have another health problem, it could point to why your oncologist recommended just a platin drug. Never hurts to get a second opinion before beginning treatment if you feel uncomfortable with the plan.

  2. I had Cistplatin alone while going through radiation and then carboplatin WITH taxol after wards for Uterine cancer (2years cancer-free)  

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