
Anyone taken a preg test that came out with a false negative?

by  |  earlier

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my period is late and i've taken 2 test both came out negative, has anyone ever taken a test that came out negative but turned out pregnant?




  1. yes. I took a test 2 days after my missed period and it was negative. I took another one at 7 days late and it was positive.

  2. Not me, but it happens go for a blood test at the doctor.

  3. yeah... but I'm not sure how common it is. If you're worried, go speak to your doctor, they'll give you another test and they'll be able to tell if you if something else is the matter. You might just be suffering from stress. I think there is a certain amount of time you have to wait if to get a correct answer though. It should say on the packaging.

  4. Yes, I did, Wow, was I scared!.....

  5. Yes, just to prove how inaccurate these things are, I took one of those home pregnancy tests, came back negative ... I was 7 months pregnant. My boyfriend took one, his was positive.

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