
Anyone test the theory of 101 straight days of s*x?

by  |  earlier

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My husband brought this idea up and I was wondering if anyone has tried it and what the results were for them. Of course my husband is gitty at the thought of me considering this but I don't want it to take away from the meaning of s*x w/my hubby.




  1. That's "giddy", and no...I have not. Although I love s*x, there are just some days I'm too tired, don't feel well, not in the mood, etc. Although I'd sure love to do it most days, I wouldn't want to feel obliged to do it every day for an extended period. I'm afraid it may start feeling like a chore at times, in an attempt to get to day 102.

  2. I would like to test this for sure but I doubt I will get the chance.

    Go for it, what have you got to lose?

  3. I have s*x with my husband almost daily anyway so that wouldnt make much difference to me, just enjoy it, that's what s*x is for :)

  4. I'm 45. I met and married a man a year ago. From the beginning we had s*x every day.We still do. I get irritable and start agitating for it if something interferes. I never could figure why previous men in my life didn't want this like I did.I'm VERY happy.

  5. Yes my friends who are married did.

    Its interesting how it transpires and I think you will be shocked at what happens.

    I hate to give it away but try it,, with the communication that maybe you wont want to continue But I urge you to do it.

    You will learn something for sure.

  6. that sounds like it would be lots of fun..maybe even more fun than i could ever imagine . however i would have reservations about what exactly it would do to my relationship if the s*x wasn't as good as it is now.. because it would be a lot more work on both of our parts and i don't think we would have that kind of time to  put into it .. so i don't know .. i agree with you i think it may take away that little special something ..

    sounds good in theory tho..  

  7. Are you talking about the couple who wrote the book about it?  I saw it on the news but honestly I just couldn't do it.  I'm lazy I guess.  So is my husband.  I just couldn't imagine turning it into a challenge.  It's a bit odd & I would think . . . ugh . . . do I HAVE to right now?  LOL!

  8. theory? who's

    And what is it suppose to accomplish other than possibly developing a rash

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