
Anyone that has NASCAR 09?

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Can you give me a little review of the game? And please tell me it's better than last years before I consider buying it. Thanks




  1. yes you can trade lots of things in the Ea locker, like set ups, custom drivers, cars, and pictures.

  2. It is light years better than last years game. Although I don't like the steering as much as it's not as responsive, I am getting used to it. Online is better with up to 14 players now and the paint booth is awesome although you can only see your friends paint schemes and all others are plain gray cars. I would say buy it and stop rotting in the Nascar 08 atmosphere. Nascar 09 is a 6.5/10 in my book, still low but up from a 4.5/10.

    Edit: I haven't played online too much yet but I think you can share paint schemes. The only way you can see them on the cars while racing is if they are on your friends list. My PS3 name is HeavyRightFootTG if you want to race.

  3. Its horribly boring after a while, get gran turismo prologue, going around in circles is not fun at all.

  4. If driving around in circles in real life isn't fun, then I don't know how it would make a good video game either.

    Try GTR 2 or GTL for a sim challenge.

  5. The game is not any better than last years game. They need to make it more fan freindly for PS2 users, because some people cant afford to get the new PS3 becasue it is so expensive if the PS3 was 100 dollors id buy it not 500-600 dollars thats way to expensive. EA Sports make the PS2 version better. U SUCK EA SPORTS!!

  6. most of the problems in 08 have been fixed in 09. the first thing i noticed was when the AI is behind you, they don't ram you constantly like in 08. the only times they have hit me was when i would get loose and have to slow down alot. when you spin out, you don't flip near as easily. i've raced 6 races and haven't flipped yet. the damage is better also. when you barely hit someone, your car doesn't fall apart like in nascar 08. the best part is career mode. instead of challenges like nascar 08, in 09 you sign contracts with lower ranked teams, and you have to do certain things to please the sponsers and team. for example one sponser might want you to finish 5 races, and average a top 30 finishing position.

    the only things i was dissapointed in is there is no real sense of speed and the are no pre-race/post race activities.

    you should definately get this game. it's much much better than nascar 08.

    I give nascar 09 a 8/10.

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