
Anyone that has mirena?I have a question for ya?

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This might bee too much Tmi.Sorry.Okay so I just recently got off my period.While I was still on it,I tried a tampon for the first time since baby.I ended up having to remove it right away,it was so uncomfortable.It was like I could feel something scratching or rubbing & it drove me crazy.Have any of you had problems with that?Do you think that maybe it was just because I haven't worn them in so long? I have a n apt in 2 weeks with my ob,I just wanted to see if anyone else has experienced this.




  1. I personally would NOT wait 2 weeks for an appointment to have it checked out. I would be getting it checked out right away. Its possible the tampon isn't feeling comfortable because things can change a little down there after a baby and you're just not used to how it feels now, but its possible it could be something worse. I would NEVER EVER get the Mirena IUD. Are you aware of the possible complications from using that? It could feel uncomfortable because it was placed wrong and if its in wrong, it can cause major damage to your uterus. It can perforate your uterus or possibly embed itself into your uterus which requires surgery and can ruin any future fertility for you. That's why I would suggest getting it checked out ASAP. Did you know one of the requirements for using the IUD is that you must have at least one child already? The reason they require that is because of the risk of destroying your uterus so you can't have kids again. Please get it checked out. It could be nothing, but it could really be something!

    Not trying to scare you, I'm just being honest. I'm not saying its something serious, but it COULD be so its better safe than sorry. If there is a risk of serious complications, you're just as likely as anyone else to have it happen to you. And no, that is not the reason they say to have at least one child already before getting the IUD. Your cervix is not still open after you have a baby. After you have a baby, your cervix closes again just as it was before the baby. I'm positive, that is not true.

  2. So you have mirena and used a tampon? How long have you had mirena because my took about 3 months for the string to soften up so i didn't feel it all the time.

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