
Anyone think Obama is going to win you over tonight?

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I'd like to thank Senator Obama in advance for decending from the heavens down to New Athens just to speak to us--mere mortals.




  1. he's a joke what does whats the deal with the temple he must think he is a god the last person in power who thought that was named Hitler

  2. Obama couldnt win me over even if he bribed me with all the tax dollars he plans to take from hard working americans.

  3. Obama speech is boring.  We've heard the same rhetoric before.

  4. women like Nikki simply dont get it, and perhaps they dont deserve the right to control their body and should be subjagated by men.

    if women want access to a safe and legal abortion, as well as birth control, then they will vote for Obama in droves. Unfortunately some women are just plain ignorant

  5. Nothing has been done by the Dems yet and Obama won't deliver on all his promises tonight because their platform, and his, is much like the Grecian columns adorning his stage tonight...nothing but a facade.

    BTW, I half expected to see a light shining down from the heavens on The One as he took the stage tonight.   ; )

  6. He already won me over.

  7. Nope,

    Obama could p**p gold and I would not vote for him.

    Spot on to what Nikki said

    McCain / NObama '08

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