
Anyone think that marijuana should be legal in the states?

by  |  earlier

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i don't know about the general populace but i don't like the idea of government telling me what is right and wrong for myself. i know i can be responsible and hold a job if i smoke and drink for that matter so why should i deny myself this privilege? even if i can't the only victim is me.




  1. Even though I dont smoke anything and never would. I think its stupid that it's illegal to smoke dried plant. WTF next they'll be telling us we cant eat dried fruit anymore....

  2. I agree, many of the more "hardcore" ones ie: meth, heroin. can do irreprable damage, but pot doesn't. and even taking into consideration the damage that can be done with these drugs, so what? We legalized ciggarettes, and alcohol. They can do the same amount of damage. Granted it takes longer. What was the reasoning behind making drugs illegal. It's a personal choice.

  3. Legalize it

    Regulate it

    Tax it

    Our drug policy is a failure and needs to be fixed. Take the money and power Out of the hands of the criminals and treat it as a social-health problem NOT a criminal one

  4. yes i do think marijuana should be legal but also feel that used on own personal time

  5. No, I don't think it should be legal.  And the only victim may not be you.  If you are under the influence and drive, you could kill someone other than yourself.  We already have enough problems with people who simply drink and drive!

  6. Yes, my former friend Doozenburk McSnoozerblooperbum III did. Unfortunately for him he graduated from marijuana to heroin and speed and tried to go even further but his body just couldn't handle it. So now he's resting in peace. If you want to smoke marijuana and drink and do whatever, just go ahead and you can join my former friend in his final resting place. RIP.......  

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