
Anyone think the Astros should just shut it down and focus on next year?

by  |  earlier

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They have been adding rental guys like LaTroy Hawkins and Wolf yet while trading away prospects. W/ the Astros so far out and Chi/Mil playing well do the Stros really have a decent shot? Yeah we all remember the excellent runs they have made in past but the Pitching was 100Xs better. Do you feel the Stros should go for it or Focus on Next year?




  1. I think this club is already looking to 2009, but it really appears as if management has no blueprint on a direction to get this mess turned around. It really is time to see if there are minor league players who can project out to next season by getting experience in the final two months.

  2. They've already done it. The Astros aren't winning anything this year.

  3. yeah they suck

  4. I have been an ASTROS fan for 30 years.I was all excited about this year because of all the talent they had going in.I even took a trip to minute maid to see the three game series against the Cubs.I kind of get the feeling that they have given up on this year.Alot of the problem is guys arent performing to their ability.I dont know if it is a head coach thing or un motivated players.Pence and Tajada are in the tank.Pence has been heating up as of late.I see Oswalt over working himself trying to win for the team,I think they have a great core of players and I think they are trying to find a way to plug holes in the pitching staff.I hope they are trying to find ways to position themselves to get  CC Sabathia and maybe Harden at years end.

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