
Anyone think the Aussies can beat the redeem team?

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Anyone think the Australian Boomers can beat the redeem team (USA)?




  1. No, Basketball isn't really big in Australia.

    I don't think they should have any ball sports in the olympics, especially football and tennis, no basketball no netball,

    no team ball sports.

    It should just be individual.

  2. Nope. If it was possible it would clean our path for winning the gold.

    Go Spain!!!!!

  3. NO.

  4. I'd love to say YES but I have to say NO!!!

    It would be a shocking upset though!

  5. they have a 37 % chance

  6. no, go U.S.A.,

    Spain is racist.

  7. No.  Aussies suck big time.  Plus, the Chinese fans will be on the U.S. side.

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