
Anyone think the Canadian flag means more or is more important than provincial flags?

by Guest32535  |  earlier

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you would think it should if we really "ARE" a country!




  1. Personally I don't even know what the provincial flag looks like. And no, I don't hang the Canadian flag outside my home, I guess only Americans do that? ;) take it easy. Cheers!

  2. From the point of view of us folks in the USA, all we know about is the maple leaf on the Canadian flag.  I wouldn't recognize the flag of Alberta or PQ if they hit me in the face.

  3. The Canadian flag is the one that is recognized around the world and is what gives us our national identity, which we are so proud of.  We are also proud of our provicial flags which represent our diversity, but the Canadian flag takes precedence.

  4. yes

  5. We need the Red Ensign back.

  6. Outside of Canada, few if any non Canadians would recognize a provincial flag. But the Canadian Flag, the Maple Leaf Flag is recognized world wide as Canada.

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