
Anyone think this is a pure bred?

by  |  earlier

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Hi everyone! I've asked a little about this before, but never got much of a response. I adopted my little girl last month, when the vet thought she was about 13 weeks old (she weighed 7 lbs). She is now about 17 weeks and weighs 9 lbs. They say she's a rat terrier mix, but I can not figure out what she may be mixed with. Could she be a pure bred??




  1. No she's not pure bred she is a mix. I don't know what of rat terrier doesn't sound quite right to me. She doesn't really look like a rat terrier, but I've never owned one so I could be wrong. Although I have seen them before.

  2. I had a friend who had a dog with the type of ears yours has and she was a Lab/German Shepherd mix.

  3. I would say not a purebreed. Definetly a rat terrier cross- if it was a jack russel the head would be more triangled. I have 2 rat terriers & the range of colors they come in is crazy!!!!  If you google rat terrier cross breeds- maybe it will pull up a pict. & you can pick the one that resembles yours the most- When they post them on the net- they usually put what the are mixed with- hope that helps!!

  4. I think it would be a fair to assume that she could be mixed with a chihuahua. Some larger chihuahuas get up to 20#. The best thing to do would be to wait until she's between 1-2 years old to really determine what she's comprised of. Puppies seldom look the same at adulthood.

  5. Don't think she's a pure bread. Maybe mixed with min pin? not really sure but she is beautiful. Maybe go through pictures of different breeds and see who she looks like.

  6. No! But very cute!

  7. She doesn't look like a purebred, but if you are desperate to know, get a DNA test.  

  8. There is no way that dog is a pure bred.

    Rat terriers are typically white dogs, not black. She may be a chihuahua mix, the face and eyes remind me of a chihuahua. Black is a common color for chis, too.  

  9. She looks a bit like a toy fox terrier. there are multiple small breeds that look a lot alike at first glance as young puppies. Rat terriers, fox terriers, She possibly could have mini pin. or dachshund...

    try searching the web for these different breeds and compare them to her. I often find this to be of help. If you have the money, you could also pay the 60-100 dollars and have the genetic DNA test done. As long as it is a detectable breed she is or isn't mixed with, then you would find out exactly what breed she is.

  10. NO.

  11. Def not a purebred. But def part rat terrier. possibly rat terrier mixed with schipperke (excuse my spelling)

    good luck!

  12. Did you ask your vet why they would refer to the dog as a "mix"? Ask them what they think she may be mixed with. That is your best bet. It can be quite difficult to pick out breeds in dogs. I have a teacup poodle that is 1/4 long haired chihuahua and my vet had no idea he was mixed ...  

  13. shes absolutely adorable!!!! But i dont think shes a pure bred.  

  14. I think my dog is a pure bread and my dog is pregnant and i am too! lol

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