
Anyone thinks Kayleigh is a good name?

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For a little girl.




  1. I personally love the name! The spelling is very original. It is just so nice!!

  2. I think its a beautiful name.  I'd use it for my own daughter but my boyfriend has an ex by that name.  

  3. I think its a perfect name for a little girl, she could either go by, Kay, Lie, Lia,Lee. Congratulations!

  4. Kayleigh is adorable.  

  5. Sorry, but h**l no!

  6. Not really.  Too trendy and too cutesy.

    There are already plenty of Kylies, Kaylies, Kayleighs, Kaylas, Kaylees, Kaylis, Makaylas, McKaylas, Keelys, etc. out there.

  7. No - like some others said it's a variation of quite a few other names - kylee, kylea, kyleigh, kaylee, kaelea, kaelee, ....

    Spelling is horrible.  

    You're asking if it's cute for a little girl??? you do realize that "little girls" grow up don't you? Cute little Kayleigh will one day be someone's mother and then grandmother. Not "cute" on a 65yr old woman!

  8. I love that name! I also have heard it spelled Kay-Lea which I think is cool

  9. Yes, I think Kayleigh is a beautiful name! But personally, I prefer it spelled as Kaylee.

  10. I think this spelling name will "grow"  more with a child than Kaylee.  I love this name.

  11. yes!!! thats a beautiful name

  12. i love it!   I wanted it for my daughter but my last name is Cathey so it just wouldn't have worked, but you should definately use it.

  13. No.

    the way it is spelled it would be pronounced "Kay- lay"

  14. In itself, it's a pretty name, but I think it's far too trendy right now.  Your girl would probably go to school with a lot of other Kayleighs.  

  15. YEAH !!!  

  16. i like the spelling, and its cute, but to save your child a lot of mistakes, i would use kaylee or kaylea or another version so people dont mess up her name so much. but, it is cute!

  17. I think the name Kayleigh is beautiful. For those that have been saying there will be a lot of other girls in her class w/her name, they are dead wrong.  Take a look at the top baby names over the past couple yrs and Kayleigh isn't even in the top 100.  It was very popular in 03 and 04, but has since become less popular. If you named your little girl Isabel or a variation of that or Sofia or Emma then I would say that is WAY too popular.

  18. i love it

  19. It's alright, but I personally hate to hear it. It's so common. Plus, I don't like pretentious spellings. While the spelling is pretty, I'd prefer something  a little more down to earth, like Kali. Anywho, I'd think about picking a less common name, unless you love only that name and nothing else. Good luck in your choice!

  20. Yeah I like that name, but it's kind of a difficult spelling.

  21. Yes! i love that name, and also like it spelled Kaylee/Caylee.

  22. Awesome!!  My niece is named Kalea.  Cute cute name.  Are you pregnant?  If so, congratulations and God's blessings on the expected arrival.

  23. I love the name, but the spelling is to much for me. I like Kaylee/Kailee

  24. yea and I like the spelling =)

  25. I don't think so. It's a fairly new name, it can be spelled a ton of different ways, and I don't think it sounds like a name for an adult. I can't picture a doctor or lawyer named Kayleigh. I would have a hard time taking a boss named Kayleigh seriously. I think it's a cute nickname for a girl whose name is K. Leigh, like Katherine Leigh, or Kerenza Leigh, but not as a given name at all. Plus, it's trendy and sounds a lot like a lot of trendy, cutesy names, like Bayleigh, Kiley, Riley, Miley, etc.

  26. I like it I like Kyleigh better but I still like it!

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