
Anyone travel to Cartagena Colombia?

by Guest62165  |  earlier

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Cartagena used to be a cruise ship stop before the problems got worse in Colombia. Both President Clinton and George W Bush have met Colombian officials in Cartagena. Is Caragena safe for a trip? I understand the old city is one of the oldest areas in this hemisphere.




  1. Cartagena is safe and beautiful. The water is not nice, but if you take a tour to the islas rosarios, the water is emerald green. I didnt really spend much time at the beach because there was so much to do, and I prefer to hang out by the pool anyways. I had a blast and I highly recommend you go.

  2. Cartagena is a very safe city. Some cruise ships have already begun returning, but the majority will resume sevice to Cartagena by October.

  3. Cartagena is one of the safest places in Colombia and Cartagena is BEAUTIFUL.....I am from Colombia, from Bogota and I used to spend my vacations on Cartagena with all my family.....go to Cartagena, don't miss that fabulous opportunity......enjoy the city, WONDERFUL!!!!!

  4. Yes it is. as well as very beautiful. Its cheap, fun, people are hospitable and enjoyable. Colombia over all is a great country.

    Here´s a link of some pictures..

    Have fun.

    Bcn_mimosa from Barcelona, Spain

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