
Anyone tried Peyote?

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how was it?




  1. is it a drug?? if not what is it??

  2. what is it ??? let me know

  3. The effective dose for mescaline is about 300 to 500 mg (equivalent to roughly 5 grams of dried peyote) and the effects last about 10 to 12 hours. When combined with appropriate set and setting, peyote is reported to trigger states of deep introspection and insight that have been described as being of a metaphysical or spiritual nature. At times, these can be accompanied by rich visual or auditory effects (see synesthesia).

    The flesh may also be applied topically to promote milk production

    L. williamsii is native in southern North America where it is only found in the extreme southwest of the US in the state of Texas, as well as much of northern Mexico. It is primarily found at elevations of 100 to 1500 m and exceptionally up to 1900 metres in the Chihuahuan desert, but is also present in the more mild climate of the state of Tamaulipas. Altogether, peyote can be found in the Mexican states of Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo León, and Tamaulipas in the north to Durango, San Luis Potosi and Zacatecas in the south. Its habitat is primarily in desert scrub, particularly thorn scrub in Tamaulipas, and it is most common on or near limestone hills.

    There is documented evidence of the religious, ceremonial, and healing uses of peyote dating back over 20,000 years.[citation needed] The tradition began to spread northward as part of a revival of native spirituality under the auspices of what came to be known as the Native American Church, whose members refer to peyote as "the sacred medicine", and use it to combat alcoholism and spiritual, physical, and other social ills. Between the 1880s and 1930s, U.S. authorities attempted to ban Native American religious rituals involving peyote, including the Ghost Dance. The Native American Church is one among several religious organizations that use peyote as part of their religious practice.

    A resurgence of interest in the use of peyote was spawned in the 1970s by very detailed accounts of its use, properties, and effects in the early works of writer Carlos Castaneda. Don Juan Matus, the name of Castaneda's teacher in the use of peyote, used the name "Mescalito" to refer to an entity that purportedly can be sensed by those using peyote to gain insight in how to live one's life well, but only if Mescalito accepted the user. Later works of Castaneda asserted that the use of such psychotropic substances was not necessary to achieve heightened awareness, although his teacher advised that its use was beneficial in helping to free some people's minds.

  4. no...

  5. Fantastic. On separate occasions, I felt like my true childhood self was realised, rolled around on the floor, became amazed by a pattern on some curtains and a Budweiser can and watched an entirely different version of 'Sin City' to the one most people have seen, And that doesn't even begin to describe how interesting it was. One of the better points of the drug is that it has far lesser potential to turn into 'a bad trip', unlike LSD and Mushrooms.

    Aldous Huxley valued the experience so much, he wrote a book about it.

    The UK is funny about it-I think the prepared drug is on their prohibited substances list, but the raw cactus isn't illegal to possess. I know somebody that was arrested for importing a large quantity of it, and having the equipment to prepare it, I think the charge was 'suspicion of suppling a class A drug'. After a test case somewhere else in the country, the police are obliged to give this guy his equipment back, though they are understandably dragging their feet.

    So in other words, you are unlikely to find it in the UK unless you are well connected or very lucky. Heaven forbid people here should do anything other than get drunk and punch other people in the face...

  6. I have & it takes you in another deminson

  7. I did a long time ago. It's a very mellow altered state of consciousness.

  8. my aunt did in the sixties way back she said its a very long trip all day high /she liked it then it turned bad depends on your state of mind when you take it too,
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