
Anyone tried acupuncture or homeopathy with fertility issues?

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I have had two treatments of acupuncture in my quest for a baby. I have low progestrone and random cycles so this was suggested. The homeopath took a sample of my hair to test and came back to me saying my left ovary functions to 90% capacity and right ovary to only 10% capacity. This has made me sad and not good about my chances. I wish i could leave well alone and leave it up to gods way instead of trying to find answers and solutions because often i end up feeling disappointed and like its never going to happen. Anyone had any experience with homeopathy/acupuncture and can suggest how much i should take on board from them/??? Many thanks x x





    you can purchase the herbs as a pack or you can buy the individual herbs elsewhere to aid in fertility.

    good luck.

  2. Hi, I am a doctor of chiropractic.  I can tell you from personal experience that I have had two patient who had spent thousands of dollars at fertility clinics with no results.  Then they came to me, I corrected a misalignment in their lower back which was impinging the nerves that allowed their reproductive organs to work properly and they were able to conceive.  As a doctor of chiropractic I do not treat infertility, all I treat are vertebra that are out of alignment.  When I do that the body works the way it was designed to work.  This actually happens quite frequently in chiropractic offices.

  3. Hi I totally feel your pain! I'm twenty three and want nothing more then to have my husbands beautiful babies. I started out with a 34 day cycle. I've had a fold in my uterus corrected, I've had my back aligned like one of the other answerer's suggested, I've taking dozens of different herbs, had my hormones and thyroid tested, among other tests, and I've done several cleanses. Although it's been three years of trying, I can now say that I have a normal cycle which hasn't been that way for a long time. I'm not pregnant yet, but now I know there is no problem it's just a matter of time. You can do it! You can use natural solutions to reach a place of health. If you want a baby and are willing to work for it you can do it! I am a completely different person then when I started. It will happen for you. Give whatever you try a few months and see how you react to it. Track your cycle, and if it doesn't give results try something new. For the conditions you described above I would recommend a wild yam cream used on the last half of your cycle for the progesterone problem, and eat more spicy foods to warm up your uterus. You should also get a massage and ask them to focus on your hips and lower abdomen. That will help the blood flow too. Good luck and don't give up!

  4. Acupuncture should be able to help you if you go to a capable acupuncturist. Don't give up after just two sessions. You probably need more.

    You could also try a good kinesiologist who can do more than an acupuncturist. The glands (including the ovaries) may be functioning perfectly but not communicating so well with the rest of the hormone system. Only a propely trained kinesiologist can help you with that. (There is a special training for that and not all kinesiologists have it).

    Take extra vitamin E. It helps to conceive.

    Don't do anything with your tummy. No warming or anything. It's just fine!

    Relax, enjoy life as it is right now. Do not stress because of this situation and you'll see what happens ...

    I wish you all the best!

    Lisa J

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