
Anyone try a ouija board before?

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did any of you get possitive results? or negative?




  1. NO! NEVER WILL! I've heard of people that acctually die when being possessed by one of those things, call me an idiot if you want, but if I'm at a party and they get out an ouija or wiji board, I would get the c**p outta there. Look up paranormal experiences by ouija boards on google, there are some creepy things that happen with those.

  2. My sister and I tried it when we were younger.  We didn't know what it was supposed to do, so it didn't do anything.  We got bored and played Monopoly instead.

    Turns out it works through the ideomotor effect.  You're moving it yourself, whether you realize it or not.  It's all in your head - unless the person you're doing it with already knows that and is messing with you, of course.

  3. i used to have one. im 14. but my parents told me i had to get rid of it for a number of bad things started happening. right after my dad threw it out he sprained his wrist. me and my friend shana really got into all that stuff. it all depends if you believe it or not. i think if you give off good energy stuff will happen but if your going to be all grr this is stupid why would any spirts want to talk to you?

    well when me and my friend would do it we would do it fer hours on end like we would start at 6pm and get done around 11ish?? we talked to a lot of good and bad spirts, mostly bad. we got pretty freaked out after the first time we used it but we got used to the thrill :).

  4. Yes and yes.  Positive as the answers were verifiable and negative because the answers were creepy.

  5. NO! And I highly suggest you don't mess with one either. My dad told me how him and kids at school messed with them. Some of the kids/kids' parents died.

  6. yes.

    and it completely freaked me out.

    like whoa...

    but i did get some interesting answers and stuff

    if you don't scare easily, it probably won't be that big of a deal, but if you do, be careful.

    good luck

  7. It was interesting is all i can really say.  I have one that my grandma bought me, it is about 50 years old something like that and my friends and i use to get together and do it all the time.  Sometimes it would give us answers that only people that we knew were dead could give and the pointer thing has flown across the room a few times.  Some of my friends are scared to touch it and my mom never would let me do it in the house.

  8. I have tried it and it worked.  Based on the answers given I know I was the one moving the planchette, although I wasn't doing this consciously.  The ideomotor effect was responsible.

    P.S. You'll get a lot of superstitious people telling you the use of a Ouija board will open a "portal to the other side".  Notice how nobody ever has any evidence of this happening.  It always happened to someone else or else.  Or else the people are just choosing to blame the Ouija board for everything bad that happens to them.

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