
Anyone try one of these HHO or "Brown gas" kits?

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I have been seeing these instruction manuals popping up all over the place to convert your car to a water gas mix that greatly improves your millage. Saw a news clip from fox of a guy that was using the process to run his car,also as a welding procedure. From what I can gather he is actually in negotiations with "someone" over the process. I also know that the tech for it has been around for awhile. What I am asking is if anyone has tried out on of these manuals that are all over the web. Does it work? I was thinking of trying it out on a second hand lawnmower first in case it ruins an engine. Please if you have not tried it out or dont know what I am talking about dont give me the " well if it worked carmakers would be using it " answer. Any other opinions or thoughts would be appreciated. First hand knowledge even better. Thanks. I will try to respond back later to everyone.




  1. Haven't used it, but...

    You have to have power to split H20 liquid into  HHO gas,  where does this power come from.  Seems like a logical fallacy to me.  You can't create power out of nothing, and it takes electrical power to break those chemical bonds.  I think a bolt on kit for a car is a scam.  If I end up being proven wrong it will be great, but I'm not buying into it until then.  

    What I can see working is a ground station that converts H20 to HHO that is then loaded into a fuel cell for combustion.

  2. sorry to say it but its not a good idea with fuel injection

  3. The problem is there are several things that need to be done to get the most of the HHO generator if you are doing this to a car with fuel injection. Plus there's more to it then using 14 volts DC to convert H2O in to HHO. I've read a couple articles that talk about the type of electricity needed to power the HHO generator for best efficiency. Straight 14 volts DC from the electrical system is the worst as it takes more energy then is generated. I think one article said something like a 44k hertz square wave gave the best results. This requires an additional device to achieve (i.e. more money). Plus the O part of HHO tricks the fuel injection system in to thinking there is extra oxygen in the system so it wants to inject more fuel, which kind of defeats the reason for the HHO generator in the first place. There is a separate module (even more money) used to modify the signal from the o2 sensor so the computer will lean out the fuel injection. But at what point are you running too lean and are only getting better mileage due to the lean condition (which is harmful to the engine)? The best system for a gas engine would be one that has an engine that runs on HHO only. I think HHO has the most potential on diesel engines as they don't use an 02 sensor.

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