
Anyone try tower of terror in disneyland paris yet??

by Guest66990  |  earlier

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Its a new ride im going back to disneyland in august, just wondering if anyone found tower of terror good :)




  1. my husband and 5 year old son went on (yes - 5!) and loved it.

    my son discovered he was bigger that the minimum height by about half a centimetre, and was extremely excited that he could go on a 'big ride' - thankfully, even tho i was crapping my pants looking at it from the outside, they both came out and said it was scary but fab!


  2. Hi!

    No, but I've done the one in Florida!

    It was great!!

    So, if Paris is anything like Florida - you're in for a treat!!

  3. No but  going on Friday hopefully it will be Good

  4. Yep i've been on the tower of terror in paris,

    Themings excellent as usual, but i found it less scary than the florida one (maybe i was used to it).

    The staff were excellent and added to the dark effect.

    Hope you have fun!!!

  5. Not in paris but i have in florida in febuary

    it's a good ride

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