
Anyone up for anything?

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well since this section is a desert, lets say something about the dislikes and likes about the drivers. (:

Hmmmmm e.g I don't like it when massa says for sure. thats annoying! and i like ummmm his style? loooool




  1. if you listen to a lot of foreighn people they all seem to say for sure, i have noticed that from my travels. i don't hamilton coz he too cocky

  2. Kimi -

    Like - How he is a normal human being, he can be lazy at times and how he does what he feels and doesnt care what anyone thinks ( the photographer fiasco) he really comes together in the last few races and makes an exciting charge for the championship

    Dislike - how he never really shows any emotion  when he wins ( for example when he won the championship, didnt really look bothered) how he always seems to go through a phase where he backs off for a bit and looks like he's given up.

    Massa -

    Like - gives good interviews, funny to watch when he wins a race ( Wth Was he Doing With his hand in Valencia?)

    Dislike - I agree when he says for sure ( though most drivers say that alot but still drives me nuts!) Also how whenever he does bad at a race.. He reeeeeally does bad theres no inbetween he's either winning or coming last.. and for some reason.. his face always reminds me of a baby in a nappy.

    Hamilton -

    Like - I do hate the guy but cant help smiling when he celebrates cause you know f1 means the world to him and he's really passionate about it( and i suppose its not his fault the british media made such a big deal bout him and made us all hate him)

    Dislike - how you just know he thinks he's the best driver out there, how he's had everything given to him on a plate, how fake he is when he tries to act like he's everybodys best friend and how he tries to be funny in interviews and always talks bout himself.


    Like - EVERYTHING! This guys amazing, he's quiet and nice to everyone, he's got a good sense of humour, his interviews are always great, he always looks on the positive even if he does bad in a race,  He's really consistent, sure he doesnt get on the podium a lot but he's always finishing within the points but he's just a really genuine guy.

    Dislike - Maybe his lack of overtaking and how it doesnt really seem like he pushes that hard.

    Kubica -

    Like - How he's the underdog that really shows the top guys how its done sometimes. he always tells it like it is, He'll be realistic, for example some reporter asked him if BMW had a chance at the championship ( this was after canada) and he said definetly not, instead of bumming himself up like most drivers and team managers.

    Dislike - Sometimes he's not thee most interesting person to listen to..

    Heidfeld -

    Like - His accent, how he's really proving himself these past few races, dont have alot to say about the guy, we dont hear much bout him on ITV

    Dislike - His interviews.. sometimes. He can be interesting at times..

    Coulthard -

    Like - His sense of humour, how he's a real gentleman, He's scottish :D (nationalistic i know! But he puts the red haired, haggis loving, kilt wearing, always swearing, alcoholic sterotype to rest!) How he's managed to stay in F1 for so long how he's not fake, how he seems easygoing and easy to get along he's fair, he takes the blame if he crashes and its his fault.

    Dislike - How he never really blames himself for his bad performances or lack of pace. How he hinted all year that he would be in F1 for a couple more years then all of a sudden when you were happy cause you thought he wasn't retiring he springed it on us. How he's a good driver but his team mates always seem to do better..

    Mark Webber -

    Like - he's a funny guys, his accent, his chin for some reason.. ( Why do all red bull drivers have massive chins? something in the drink?) how in Fuji last year he drove even though he was actually being sick in the car ( dedication!) How he's outdriving Coulthard.

    Dislike - How he's outdriving coulthard..

    Alonso -

    Like - Erm.. how passionate he is bout his home country..

    Dislike - He ALWAYS moans bout Mclaren and how he's got the rough end of the deal back at renault.. get over it, it was ages ago!

    Vettel -

    Like - How he's outdriving red bull, shows the underdogs can pull through. How he looks as if hes about 4 but looks like an old pro when he gets into the car. how on earth he's getting a toro rosso into the points.

    Dislike - his nationality..

    Jenson button -

    Like - How he performed at valencia and he's actually doing pretty well in the honda. He seems quite a stand up guy in his interviews and he's quite funny ( i remember the time him and his engineer were wearing them weird sunglasses in hungary and they were trying to find as many pairs as they could in different colours)

    Dislike - He is really sexist.

    Rubens barrichello -

    Like - how he's still here! and how much it shows he loves racing and F1, One of the few guys weve got left that really loves the racing whatever happens. how he's really the only driver we've got left from the Senna period and who's raced with senna ( Coulthard doesnt really count i dont think, he only started racing when senna died cause he took his seat..) his accent.. ( anyone else think he's starting to sound a bit american?) and he's just such a nice guy, doesnt seem to have a bad word to say bout anyone and he seems like he real

  3. probably if they dont know what ur on about

    but have u seen the size on kubicas NOSE

  4. Yesss.... let's see

    Kimi Raikkonen

    Like: He's a really cool guy who does his thing, never mind what ppl say

    Dislike: The fact that he seems demotivated at times and rarely smiles

    Lewis Hamilton

    Like: *scratch head* can't think of one

    Dislike: He's everywhere

    Felipe Massa

    Likes: He's giving Kimi a run for his money now

    Dislikes: His interviews

    Heikki Kovalainen

    Like: Cool and calm

    Dislike: Not being able to step up to rival Hamilton

    Nick Heidfeld

    Like: The way he talks... though at times it's hard to understand

    Dislike: that beard of his...

    Robert Kubica

    Like: He's fast and the team can always count on him to do well (in a good car)

    Dislike: nothing

    Nico Rosberg

    Like: His hair... awesome how it keeps so neat even after he gets out of the car

    Dislike: he's not quite living up to expectations


  5. Massa saying "for sure" has to be something they say in Portuguese all the time; Nelson Piquet and Ayrton Senna used to say it all the time too.


    Like: Nice bloke

    Dislike: his dad hanging about all the time


    Like: uhhh...hmmmm....

    Dislike: his personality, his choice of girlfriends, his dad hanging about all the time


    Like: his sense of humour

    Dislike: his resemblance to dracula


    Like: that he doesn't seem to think that F1 is the most important thing on earth

    Dislike: that he doesn't seem to think that F1 is the most important thing on earth


    Like: he's open and friendly

    Dislike: he's Hamilton's doormat


    Like: by interviewing him, German TV spend less time with Sutil and Glock, who are even more boring than Heidfeld is

    Dislike: by interviewing him, German TV spend less time with Rosberg and Vettel, who are much more interesting to listen to

  6. am an indian and we speak british english and hindi as an major or popular language here...and wen der is drivers interview...i feel these things quite annoying-

    wen following ppl are one pole or podium and wen they are aske q's they speak like this-

    Alonso-ith wz ayen taph raze...bath theem didh ayen exzelenth zob

    kimi- (he speaks like he's just woke up frm sleep...his voice esp...and + OMG his finnish accent) -aaaaaaaaa ith wazz n tuff raze buth theam deed an excelent joba and i m very happpy and the raze waz hoth and bath iz waza an goodh razea.....(no full stop no comma...nothin...he goes on...all in one breath)

    felipe massa- (his snake like hissing + his brazzilian accent OMG not to forget- "for sure" and "nice")-

    yes za raz waz nicess sfor sure and za car handelled really sfwell andh sza steam(no f2008/07/06 didnt have steam engines..he meant team ) did an excellent(i wont add s before this word..u try!!) ....

    Schumacher(both),lewis,narain,heikki,r... have an understandable accent

  7. OK I'll give it a go.


    Like: he's got lots of new people interested in F1

    Dislike: all the media attention that is causing old McLaren fans to defect.

    (note to Rosbif, I don't mind his dad hanging around lol)


    Like: he's the Finn with a grin

    Dislike: he's not really showing us his full potential


    Like: His ice cool outlook

    Dislike: hmmm...Oh I know, he now drives a Ferrari


    Like: He used to deliver Pizza's - like me

    Dislike: same as Kimi lol


    Like: that he has shown the front runners a clean pair of heels more than once

    Dislike: not a lot really


    Like: he used to live up the road from me

    Dislike: he doesn't live up the road from me any more


    Like: He seems to have finally found a woman he can settle down with

    Dislike: This is his last season

  8. LIKE - I like Kimi, his personality and don't care attitude

    DISLIKE - I wish drivers would stop using this phrase "To be honest" or "Honestly" whenever they makes me wonder, whether these guys would be dishonest otherwise.


    Schumacher - "To be honest, I don't know exactly what I am doing in the Ferrari Pits during a race...Honestly, I ask myself this question everyday, when I look into the mirror"

    (just kidding)

  9. Umm,

    Kimi, used to like his attacking driving style.

    Dislike, his attitude, his mumbling and his general lack of enthusiasm.

    Felipe, like his positive attitude

    dislike the occasional brain off moments.

    Hammy, like his wet weather driving (mostly)

    dislike, his smugness

    Hekki, like his attitude

    dislike, his raw pace from mid distance of a race on wards.

    Heidfeld, like his overtaking, the best

    dislike, his overuse of the letter "w".

    Bob Kubica, like, his high speed accuracy

    dislike, overly pale skin, get some sun, Bob!

  10. Lewis Hamilton

    Like: His aggressive driving style and confidence at such a young age and career.

    Dislike: His lack of humility as shown when he didn't take responsibility for what happened in Canada this year. The overexposure by the British media (I live in the States btw) and the fact that so many people hate him. That being due to the British media or for other reasons.....I have my suspicions.

    Mark Weber

    Like: Very quick driver that is always willing to give an interview for American TV every single race. I really like him.

    Dislike: The fact that there is a good chance he will never get a car good enough to compete for the title. He has beaten every teammate in F1.

    Kimi Raikkonen

    Like: nonchalant attitude towards F1. He understands that you don't have to eat and drink F1 to be a winner.

    Dislike: His obvious arrogance as shown many times by shoving corner marshals and most recently a photographer. You don't shove someone just because they stepped on a bag.

    Robert Kubica

    Like: Very caring person as shown when he auctioned off a race suit to help genocide victims in Darfur.

    Dislike: Typical f1 driver as far as interviews are concerned. Robotic.

    David Coulthard

    Like: A true ambassador to the sport. Well spoken and super intelligent. When I think of a current driver that would work well in a managerial capacity he is the only one that comes to mind.

    Dislike: He has always been outshone by teammates.

    I could name more, but I'm tired now lol. This was very nice.

  11. It is to do with the way that other languages construct their sentences (subject first). When translating to English (as a second language) the 'for sure' creeps in as a way of checking comprehension.

    Even the English do a similar thing when speaking  to you. They'll say "We're going to go to the pub yeah? And play  some pool yeah?"

    " For sure yes" Massa will reply "I am liking to play pool."

    Notice Brendon Hartley has also picked up this habit from his time is Austria. It is all to do with being understood.

    For sure it is important Massa can eplain that the right front wheel shakes under brakes.

    So sorry, not much sympathy for you here.

    PS There is a sad answered question from a moron wondering it his beloved Holden would beat an F1 car.

    There's your answer

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