
Anyone upset that Stephenie Meyer isnt going 2 finish Midnight Sun?

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...some idiots spilled the crappy unfinished draft on the internet, and now Stephenie Meyer is too upset 2 finish it! I was hopin' she would go ahead and write Edward's version of New Moon, but I guess not!

Anyone upset like me?




  1. I didn't know about it, but let me say this-

    If I worked on something, I mean worked like poured my blood and tears into this thing, and someone came along before it was done, no matter their motivation and played with my characters, my plots, my scenes, I would be upset, and that's a huge understatement.  By taking it early, you don't get the finished product.  There's such a huge chance she was going to go on to chapter 19 and see she needed something to happen in chapter 4 to make everything flow, and now... that can't happen.  

    It's like they've all been murdered  in front of her and her readers are drinking the blood.  

  2. Yeah, pretty upset about it. More so at the jerk who leaked the chapters onto the internet. I was really looking forward to Midnight Sun, but we can only hope she decides to continue on with it.

  3. im glad. i  thank that idiot. stephanie meyer should stop writing books forever

  4. Nope...

    She left us the first two hundred and something pages on her site!

    By the time i'm done reading that, i'm sure she'll be writing again... So no worries here....

  5. I'm not really that upset.  Maybe I would've been a few months ago, but all the hype on Twilight has worn off on me.  And I've already read the chapters she posted on her website, so I'm satisfied.

  6. Yeah,

    I'm upset about it.

    Bit I did read the first 12 chapters on her website.

    And she didnt say she wasnt gong to write it she only sid it would be on hold.

    Hope I helped.

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