
Anyone us the aiptek 720p camcorder?

by  |  earlier

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It is HD and very cheap, I am looking for something to get good home video of my dog. I know one reason its cheap is no picture stabilization. I just want to know how the picture quality is.

I want it clear...obviously. That is all I care about, clear picture, I don't need any features.





  1. I have the camcorder, and I can say it's very good for it's price. It does have nice video. I can say a lot about it, but a video is worth a thousand words, so here's a sample:

    The video is very good in daylight. It is good in indoor light. It is starts to show graininess in very low light, but it isn't a huge issue because it's so fine.

    The only problem with the camera is the audio - it is mono, and not the best sounding. The mic is too sensitive, so it picks up a lot of noise. Not horrible, but not superb. If you're the DIY type, however, it's really easy to solder on a microphone line in port. Just google it.

    Good luck. (and search aiptek a-hd on vimeo for more samples - their the closest to actual quality).

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