
Anyone use Chantix to quit smoking?

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I just got prescribed to Chantix and am very excited and hopeful to begin quiting. However, I just wanted to get some advice or feedback from those who've used it before. Did it work for you? Were there side effects that were unexpected? Was it still difficult? Any information would be greatly appreciated.




  1. I myself am not a smoker but my mom and Uncle have both tried the prescription.  They both have complained about dreams at night.  I guess it makes you very restless while your trying to sleep.  My Uncle got past that and has been free of smoking for 7 months.  My mom did not like the "way it made her feel" tired, restless and headachy.  She stopped taking it after 2 weeks.  She quit smoking for a total of 3 weeks and then started again.

    Best of luck to you!!  

  2. It is great to hear you have decided to quit. The only problem I have is with the method you have chosen.

    I personally don't trust any quit smoking method that deals only with physical nicotine addiction. Chantix especially because it is potentially dangerous also. I personally wouldn't go near the stuff.

    Smoking is more of a psychological addiction than a physical one. If you really want to quit you must discover the reasons why you smoke and then eliminate or change these thought processes. As soon as I dealt with my psychological reasons for smoking I quit, first time and more importantly for good.

    Once you deal with the psychological side of smoking it makes the quitting process easy, no matter your level of addiction.

    Quitting smoking does not require any patches, gums, herbs or drugs. These methods are expensive, time consuming, potentially harmful and simply do not work. All that is required is a bit of motivation, self belief and determination.

    Visit our blog for more information and to download our free book.

    Good Luck and Good Quitting

  3. Yes, I used it and it was magical.  If you use their website for supportive advice/hints that also helps.  You will hear from some that smoking is a psychological habituation more than a physical addiction. That may be true for them but for others the physical addiction is paramount. Some will find Chantix, patches, gum, etc. helpful while others feel that "it just requires determination, will power". You need to find the way that is most helpful to you even if it requires several attempts (with different aids/methods) to quit.   I smoked for over 40 years (90% of that time over 2 packs a day) and after 6 months without smoking I can still feel the "pull" of the withdrawal.  To say that it is psychological is a disservice to those trying to quit that really have a physical addiction. Maybe some people have a stronger habituation to smoking but others have a full blown addiction - use whatever it takes to get it done.  Try, try, try again as "dead is a long time".  

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