I am a customer as well as a Marketing Exec II. I absolutely love the Melaleuca procucts, by far the most amazing products I've used, it actually healed my both of boy's eczema!!! So, this month, I ordered the Diamond Brite with just about everything else as always and I was wondering if there are any other uses for the diamond brite around the house besides just in the dishwasher? I heard someone say once, that they kept a bottle in the laundry room as well as one in the kitchen, I've called product support, they don't know why someone would keep it in the laundry room, can anyone here tell me? Also, I heard that maybe it could be used for washing cars~what do you think? Also, how can I make carpet shampoo with my products for my steam cleaner? I know that you can and they told me what products to use, but they didn't specify the amount of each product to be used. Thank you!!