
Anyone use Wordtracker for SEO or marketing research.?

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How does it compare to google' free tool. Are there other tools worth looking at?




  1. I have to disagree with what has been said here. I have used wordtracker and I think it's great. But the one downside I observed is that because it gets it's data from metacrawlers, it ends up estimating Google data.

    Google searcher have a different search style than other searchers (if you doubt me then compare Google Zeitgeist to Yahoo Buzz). So you want data on Google.

    The GREAT thing is that Google recently updated it's keyword tool to give you search volume data for keywords. So now you get non-estimated data straight from the source!

    This article details how it works and what you have to do to do a good keyword research:

    I'm never paying for wordtracker again!

  2. You know the old adage, you get what yo pay for? The free tool provided by Google provides only an approximation of keyword usage statistics and their numbers are related to keyword popularity in the context of PPC campaigns - very unreliable in terms of developing a keyword list for organic results. There are other services out there - the old standby,, finally crapped out and now redirects you to some Yahoo small business marketing scheme. Wordtracker is one of the best out there and well worth the money if you are serious about SEO. But don't take my word for it - try out the free version at

  3. date in google keyword suggestion tool is only for PPC suggestion keywords while wordtracker suggestion is for organic search result. But I would still recommend keyword discovery for keyword research.

  4. i am using wordtracker for only keyword analysis.

    Not more than that.

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