
Anyone use clearblue fertility monitor?

by  |  earlier

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Wondering when do you start taking tests? On CD1? We're holding out hope this month, but want to order one online. I'm afraid I'll miss the beginning of testing window if we don't get the monitor before CD 1.

What were your experiences? Do you think it helped? I have tried opks and can't pick up a positive. Doc suggested monitor.




  1. I went ahead and purchased the monitor and was so happy I did.  My doctor suggested looking on ebay and thats exactly what I did.  You can even get the test strips there and I saved a lot of money.  You have a 5 day window with the monitor...just in case you aernt able to start the monitor on day have up until day 5 to set it.  I was a longer than normal cycle so I had to take more tests than most but it will tell you when you have to start taking tests.  I found it very helpful and highly recommend it!!  You should definitely check out ebay too!

  2. I had trouble with the OPK that just give you two lines as well. I have not used the fertility monitor, but have used the Clear Blue Easy DIGITAL OPK. They are unmistakeable and easy to read. For once with the use of these test knew for sure when I was ovulating. I opted to go this route over the monitor to try to save a little money as I have heard the monitor is quite expensive. I know this isnt exactly what you were looking for, but I thought I might try to save you a little money if you were willing to hold out a little longer before trying the monitor.

  3. I would reccomend you the answer ovulation kits.. It's works very well

    Good Luck on baby dust!!!

  4. I absolutely love my CBFM!!!! It accurately identifies my fertile window...4 days leading up to and ovulation day. I got pregnant my second cycle using this monitor. It definitely helped me conceive (along with taking my bbt) You do not need to set it on day one, but you do need to set it by cycle day 5. The first month it will start asking for test sticks on day 6. You will then test until you ovulate. Make sure you BD on all high and peak reading days.

    How often were you using opks? My only concern, are you sure you are ovulating? If not, the monitor won't help. If you are ovulating, then the monitor is great! If you just want to confirm ovulation before you spend all the money on the monitor (it is pricey...but in my opinion worth it) you could chart your temperatures. This does not predict ovulation it just confirms when and if it actually happened. If you want to go that route I recommend . It is a free charting site that calculates everything for you.

    GOOD LUCK and if you have any questions, contact me!

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