
Anyone use that product called extenze? Doesnt it cause stretch marks on your p***s?

by  |  earlier

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When your p***s goes back to normal size after you stop taking it?




  1. Number one it really doesn't increase the p***s size.  It increases the blood flow giving that thicker feeling of a larger p***s.  And if it does stretch beyond its normal size, well, it's not enough to make stretch marks.

    The skin on the p***s is more elastic than the rest of the body's skin.

  2. All it does is suck the money out of the wallets of insecure and gullible men.  It will not make you bigger.  Focus more on getting good things going in your life.

  3. pills are a waste of money, as for stretch marks, no it wouldn't, you would have more skin behind the glans if it actually worked

    if you are circumcised you might be able to release a little more p***s shaft if you are cut tight and will also gain more thickness as well as more pleasure and easier more enjoyable s*x you should do f******n restoration

    I restored my f******n by stretching, the pleasure increases have been great, it's like it was naturally meant to be there, it was well worth the effort

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