
Anyone use those cat stress reducers you plug in the wall?

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Pet-Ease Cat Pheromone for Stress and Anxiety Plug-In from Nutri-Vet...I have looked this up online but I am wondering if anyone has used it and what for? My cat MEOWS ALL NIGHT and I've read that it keeps them for doing that so much. How does this work and does it really work??!?! help! I want to sleep though the night!




  1. Well, I personally use Feliway, but it sounds like this Pet-Ease does the job as well.

    What it does is give off a pheromone into the air that only cats can sense. This pheromone causes the cat(s) to relax/calm down. This plugin is useful for cats that fight, urinate out of place, cry unmercifully or have stress related problems.

    Like I said, personally, I've used Feliway with fantastic results ending up with my one cat that pees on clothes to stop and one of my cats with a stress disorder keep calm enough so she doesn't l**k off all her fur.

    But I must ask, is your cat oriental in breed? Siamese? In that case, your cat is doing just what it should be. Siamese cats are known for their distinctive and constant cries.

    Hope I've helped!  

  2. Yes, I have used the Feliway plug-in diffuser for my two male cats.  The package says that it helps with easing stress, so I would think that if your cat is meowing because he/she wants to go outside or something, it would help.  

    It doesn't work instantly, and in your case, you'd have to keep in plugged in all day in order for it to work for your cat. I have success with it, as my cats don't freak out every time someone comes to spend the night.

  3. I don't know much about these- I saw them at the pet store because I wanted to see if these could work for my shy cat, but they cost about sixty dollars at my pet store.

    Instead, I got these special treats that make them calmer (they made my older cat fall asleep!).  

    You might want to ask your vet instead, to make sure there isn't another solution.

    Good luck with kitty!!!

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