
Anyone used or know of someone who has used "ULTRA PURE" synthetic urine to pass a drug test?

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Anyone used or know of someone who has used "ULTRA PURE" synthetic urine to pass a drug test?




  1. My neighbor did and he passed.

  2. the tests they use will be able to tell if it's real urine or not, so if you fake it, they'll know for sure you're still on it

  3. Very likely it won't work, and then you'll be in a very bad place.

  4. No But I take regular Drug tests and randomn ones also and I know there is No Way to beat the test if they are really looking  I work in a safety sensitive Job

  5. Dont try that stuff, I have taken drug tests for my probation. People watch, so it is hard to sneak in some clean urine. If it is just a urine test then get a flush kit. It worked for me. And this was a Judge issued urine test.

    Here is a link.>

    PS. And yes, it would be smarter to just stop doing whatever it is your doing! Be safe please.

  6. My boyfriend always uses those syntetic urine samples. He always passes his drug tests.

  7. My brother-in-law did it and passed.

  8. just stop using!!!

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