
Anyone using Apologia science?

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What do you like/dislike about the Apologia series?

What books have you completed with your children?

Did you find that teaching the books in a particular order was helpful or is it truly a "stand alone" series?

How long did you stay on 1 book? How long did you use for each lesson-approx?

What advice would you offer for someone starting this curriculum?

How well did your children retain the information taught and did they enjoy it?

How well/easy was it to teach to more than 1 child on different grade levels while keeping each on their own level?

Thanks so much!!




  1. i have used Apologia science for General science, Physical science, biology, chemistry, and Physics. they were all excellent! when i did this i did it with my co-op and we spent two weeks on each lesson, so we finished one book a year. Dr. jay Wile is an excellent author and teacher, these book explain themselves very well. after i took chemistry i took CHM1045 and lab at my local Community College, Apologia explained the concepts so well that i did not struggle at all in college Chemistry.

  2. What I like about the Apologia series is that he explains, it has nice experiments, he makes you think, and I don't fall asleep reading.

    If you take Physical before General it doesn't matter.  So, I believe that it can be a stand alone.

    I spent two weeks per module, 32 weeks. It gives you enough time if you plan it out.

    I would advise you to take time with your children, read it with them, make flash cards, and just have fun with it.

    I am about to finish the bio. 2nd edition in two weeks. I have finished General and physical science with Apologia. The labs and short cuts that he has in the book along with flash cards have helped me retain the information.

    I am not sure how easy it is, I can say that my mom taught me general while my my brothers bio and chem. It depends on how you teach them and if they like science.

    Have fun teaching them!

  3. I am using apologia physical science with my daughter this year, she is in 9th grade.

    I haven't used the elementary series, but I hear that it is good and each course stands alone, with Junior High and High School courses you might want to follow the traditional sequence of General, Physical, Biology, chemistry, physics.

    My daughter is staying on this book for a whole year.

    She is retaining it very well.

    Well, only my High Schooler is taking it, so  I can't answer it that well.

  4. We love Apologia! Last year we use Exploring Creation with Astronomy. My kids still remember most of what they learned mostly because we did all the experiments to help it stay.

    This year we are using Flying Creatures Of The Fifth Day.  My daughter is putting together a bird book with a digital camera and the Internet. She takes pictures of the birds she sees and looks up the bird on-line to identify it. (3rd Grade). My son (kindergarten) is listening to the lessons and coloring pictures I can find on-line. He also helps find the birds and put the birds is the book (we print them out and he glues them to the sketch pad we are using). We will use the books again when he is ready for the harder stuff and I will do it the same way with his little sister (23 months).

    I don't know if I am using them in order I just borrowed something from my sister that caught my daughters eye. We usually finish a lesson in a week but it is set for two weeks a lesson.

    Advise: Take your time enjoy the lessons. Do the experiments, they may be a little messy but they're fun. Let the kids work at their own pace and pick something they are interested in. If they want to learn about birds and bugs then let them. If they are interested in space get that. Go with what they enjoy that way Science becomes fun.

  5. Wow. With questions like those, I'm actually kinda interested now. Thnks.

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