
Anyone using BW film use Arista from Freestyle?

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Just curious to how it compares to Ilford. I am using 4x5 sheet film.




  1. oh yeah, definitely.  It's a pretty good film, very forgiving with exposure and good tones.  I prefer the low ISO films and use Arista.EDU mostly.  It's probably one of my favorite films, next to Kodak Plus-X.  It's also super cheap.  The only thing is that it does seem to scratch a little more easily, so be extra careful when you're loading it on the developing reel (if you develop it yourself, which I'm assuming you will).  

    EDIT:  I'm sorry, I just read that you're using sheet film.  I've never used sheet film.  I only have experience with 120 and 35mm film so far.  Still, I hope my answer is helpful...I've been happy with Arista roll films, so I'm assuming they make good sheet films as well.

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