
Anyone using similac sensitive on there baby if so how often does your baby p**p?

by  |  earlier

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My baby was just changed to similac sensitive and hasn't pooped since yesterday morning. His stomach is not hard so he doesn't seem stopped up, but when he was on similac advance he pooped everyday a few times a day. He is one month now today. His milk was changed like 3 times this week. He seems to be doing fine with the similac sensitive, but im just worried that he hasn't pooped today. Yesday he pooped and it was a whole lot I think it was probably the milk change thing. He was on similac advanced blood was in his stool monday, so then they put him on similac soy that didn't work either he was throwing that up. Then they gave him nutramigen he didn't like that at all so the WIC nutristionist told me to give him the similac sensitive and they should of tried that first hand. He is not dehydrated or anything the only thing that made them change his milk was the light red blood in stool and it was only a tad bit. I just mailed in stool samples as well they want to test his stool.




  1. We also switched from advanced to sensative because our daughter was extremely gassy and fussy, and it worked wonders. She poops consistently once a day, almost the same time. However the blood in stool problem never happened with us. You could try giving him and ounce or so of water to help him p**p if your worried, but after switching formulas it could be a few days for a p**p, especially since you tried several different ones quickly. hang in there. And a quick tip. I found the sensative foamed up a lot causing my daughter to not be able to finish the foamy part of the bottle, so we just add a drop of mylecon to every bottle and instant no foam. Good luck!

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